
One Net administration

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One Net Mobile onboarding journey

After Vodafone receives your organisation's signed purchase order, your delivery coordinator will contact you to arrange the whole One Net Mobile configuration procedure. We will collect all the technical data needed for the technical implementation of One Net Mobile and prepare you for the migration day.

The onboarding process includes three steps. Read these articles to learn more about each of them:

Step 1 - Introductory call

Your delivery coordinator calls you to explain the One Net Mobile onboarding process. You will find out what the next steps are and how you can help make your company's transfer to One Net Mobile as smooth as possible.

Learn more >

Step 2 - Service preparation

After you've provided all the necessary details and agreed on the migration day, your delivery coordinator will help you prepare for the migration.

Learn more >

Step 3 - Migration day

On this day, your mobiles move to One Net. Your delivery coordinator oversees the final stages of the process and addresses any issues.

Learn more >

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This site is for Vodafone One Net customers. If you need help with your Vodafone mobile service, visit the Vodafone Support Centre.

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