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One Net Business onboarding journey
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One Net Business onboarding journey
One Net Mobile onboarding journey
One Net Office onboarding journey
One Net Feature Management Portal (users)
On this day, your mobiles move to One Net. Your delivery coordinator oversees the final stages of the process and addresses any issues.
To learn more about using your Vodafone handset, select Vodafone handset guides in the Resources box at the top-right of this article.
If you're already with Vodafone, you can use your current SIM cards and handsets.
If you decided to buy new handsets, you can start using them right after delivery. Insert your current SIM card into the new handset.
Learn how to insert a SIM card into the handset >
Incompatible SIM card
If your current SIM card isn’t compatible with the new handset, you receive a new SIM card. Ask your delivery coordinator to arrange a SIM swap.
After a SIM swap, the network update can take up to 24 hours.
If you’re not with Vodafone, you’ve received your new Vodafone SIM cards. On the migration day, the SIM cards from your current provider lose network connection.
To use your existing handset
Learn how to insert a SIM card into the handset >
If you don’t know which SIM card is assigned to your mobile number, contact your delivery coordinator.
To use your new handset
In the new handset, insert the Vodafone SIM card assigned to your mobile number.
Speedy onboarding
We will aim to bring your mobiles over to One Net Business as soon as possible. This could be as soon as 5 working days from your initial contact with your delivery coordinator.
To fix issues with your Vodafone service
Reset your handset.
If the issue is still present, connect to another network and then return to the Vodafone network (a manual roam).
If the issue is still present, try your SIM card in a different handset.
If the above steps don’t solve the issue, contact your delivery coordinator
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