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Choosing the right call flow for your organisation

What is a call flow?

A call flow is how calls from your customers reach your people. The very simplest flow is just a phone call - the customer calls and you answer. If your organisation is just you, this is all you need, but if you have more customers and more people you might want a more sophisticated system to handle incoming calls.

One Net offers four typical call flows (ringing patterns) for your hunt groups.

Read more about hunt groups >

Available call flows

No two organisations are exactly the same, so you need to consider the most effective solution for your business. For each hunt group you can choose from four available ringing patterns: Ring in sequence, Ring in circle, Ring simultaneously and Go to most idle.


Rules applied

Ring in sequence

For each incoming call, the system always tries to transfer the caller to the first person in the list. If the first person does not answer, the system works sequentially through the list of names in a search for someone who will accept the call.

Ring in circle

When an incoming call arrives, the system attempts to transfer it to the person who is listed after the last person to accept a call. If the first transfer attempt is unsuccessful, the system works sequentially through the list.

Ring simultaneously

When an incoming call arrives, the system simultaneously rings any unoccupied lines for everyone in the group. The call is connected to the phone answered first.

Go to most idle

The system tries to transfer a new call to the person who has gone longest without receiving a call to the shared number.

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