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One Net voicemail

Your One Net voicemail records messages from callers if you're unavailable or already on a call. With voicemail, you can:

  • Play personalised greetings to callers when you're busy or unavailable
  • Access your voicemail from all your One Net devices and from other phones, such as your home phone

Listening to your voicemail

One Net uses the regular Vodafone voicemail service. You can access voicemail from your One Net mobile. You can also set up a voicemail passcode to access your voicemail from any other number or service.

To access your voicemail

  • Dial the 121 phone shortcut.

Read about using phone shortcuts to listen to your voicemail >

Read more about using your voicemail >

Setting up your voicemail greeting

You can record your own message to be played when a call is transferred to your voicemail.

Read about setting up your voicemail greeting >

Hunt group voicemail

An administrator can choose any member of a hunt group to be the recipient of all voicemail messages for the group.

You can use the #121# phone shortcut followed by the hunt group ID to retrieve the hunt group voicemail messages.

Read about using phone shortcuts to listen to your voicemail >

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