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Using One Net Address Book

One Net Address Book lists phone numbers in your company as well as the people and company features assigned to each number. You can use One Net Address Book:

  • In One Net Feature Management Portal
  • In One Net Operator Console
  • In One Net Mobile Client
  • On your desk phone

To view One Net Address Book:

  1. Access One Net Feature Management Portal.

    Read about accessing One Net Feature Management Portal >

  2. Select Apps > Address Book.

To add a contact to One Net Address Book

  1. Access One Net Feature Management Portal.

    Read about accessing One Net Feature Management Portal >

  2. Select Apps > Address Book.
  3. Select Add Contacts.
  4. In the Creation type section, select a single contact.
  5. Enter the required contact information.

    You must enter at least a first name, a last name and one phone number.

  6. In the Privacy section, select Yes to add a private contact.


    In the Privacy section, select No to add a contact for the company.

  7. In the Summary section, select Add contact at the bottom of the page.

Importing contacts from a CSV file

You can import several contacts at once from a CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can create the file in a text editor or in Microsoft® Excel®.

You can download a template of a CSV file from One Net Feature Management Portal and use it to create a CSV file with your contacts.

Creating a CSV file with contacts

The first line in the file must contain the column headings. Each line under the heading must contain the information for one contact.

The contact information in the CSV file must meet the following criteria:

  • The following columns contain a value: 'User name', 'Title', 'First name', 'Last name', 'Numbers list', 'Privacy'.
  • Phone numbers have a country prefix.
  • The following format for mobile phone numbers: <mobile phone number>#<short number>#MB.
  • The following format for fixed line phone numbers: <fixed line phone number>#<short number>#FX.
  • The following format for contacts with both mobile and fixed line phone numbers:

    <mobile phone number>#<short number>#MB | <fixed line phone number>#<short number>#FX.

  • Columns are separated with the , (comma) character.
  • 'FALSE' in the 'Privacy' column for contacts seen by everyone in the company.
  • 'TRUE' in the 'Privacy' column for contacts seen only by you.

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